Monday, April 16, 2007

Noisette or Biscotte

We may be voting for President next weekend, but far more important, who do you prefer to vote for - Noisette or Biscotte?


Anonymous said...

All dogs are winners in my book, and Noisette or Biscotte are both handsome. We had a dog, "Cuddles," who looked a lot like your Noisette and she lived 23 human years and had to be put down or put to sleep. She was a fine dog, slightly over weight, but with qualities that made everyone love her. She was the oldest dog our dog clinic had ever taken care of.

Abraham Lincoln

AinZ said...

ummm, which one is which? but doesn't matter because both are equally cute!

Anonymous said...

I have my own golden retriever, Kiki and Noisette is like her as young.
Both are fine dogs in your photos, but . . . . :)

Anonymous said...

They are both beautiful and cute… Hard to decide, but I prefer the first one, Noisette I think ?
Big dogs are my favorites.